Hi again,
This time I have a kind of off-topic question for you guys here, so it's not related to keyboards at all.

Recently the German local news and a few German internet news sites had reported on Koreas "three-strikes-law".
This is the new law that has taken effect in Korea about a week or so ago, which can "cut off" your internet access for up to six months if you violate online copyright law for three times.

Here is an English article regarding that: http://www.zeropaid.com/news/86703/south-koreas-three-strikes-law-takes-effect/

While for now it seems that this is only targeted at "big fish", normal internet users could in theory still be effected when breaking copyright, right?

Everyone here in Germany seemed kinda creeped out of the idea that your internet could be disabled for up to six months for small and unintended copyright violation (for example putting a copyrighted logo, picture on your blog).

However all of my Korean friends that I had asked about this had either not even heard of the law yet or were not very worried.

I'm just curious to hear what your personal view is on this?