Daughtry (US Deluxe Edition).jpg : 3월 21일 추천팝송!

안녕하세요~ 수아팝입니다~

한주의 가운데인 수요일입니다. 조금씩 지치고 피곤하신 분들도 계실것 같네요.

오늘은 락밴드를 소개하려고 합니다.

2006년 아메리칸 아이돌 결승 진출자인 Chris Daughtry 가 리더를 맡고 있는 락밴드 그룹 'Daughtry' 를 소개드릴까 합니다.

2006년 그들의 첫앨범인 'Daughtry' 에 수록된 'Home' 은 부드럽고 리드미컬한 분위기의 곡입니다.

첫번째 앨범임에도 불구하고 2007년 빌보드에서 가장 많이 팔린 앨범으로도 알려져 있기도 합니다.

즐감하시고 오늘 하루도 힘차고 즐겁게 보내셨으면 좋겠네요!^^

Home by Daughtry

I'm staring out into the night

And trying to hide the pain

I'm going to the place where love

can feel but they dont live the cost of fame

In pain it feels a different kind of pain

I'm going home to the place where I belong

where your love has always been enough for me

I'm running from you know I think you got me all wrong

I don't regret this life I chose for me

But these places and these faces are getting old

So I'm going home

The miles are getting longer it seems

The closer I get to you.... babe

And I've always been the best man and friend for you

To love and make true and I dont know why

You always seem to give me another try

I'm going home

To the place where I belong

Where your love has always been good enough for me

I'm running from you know I think you got me all wrong

I don't regret this life I chose for me

But these places and these faces are getting old

Be careful what you wish for

cause you just might get it all

you just might get it all and then some you dont want

Be careful what you wish for 

cause you just might get it all

You just might get it all

I'm going home to the place where I belong

Where your love has always been enough for me

And I'm running from.. you know I think you got me all wrong

I don't regret this life I chose for me

But these places and these faces are getting old

But these places and these faces are getting old

I'm going home

I'm going home

수아팝의 추천팝송! 링크

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