As you may have seen QWERkeys has been working to release an ISO version of the Tex Beetle, an aluminium cased, plate mounted 60% keyboard. Unfortunately although 160 people registered interest for this keyboard when I inquired to Dan (Sleabo) from QWERkeys about the availability of the keyboards he told me that they have had no orders so far and as a result of this will not hit the  MOQ for any switch. As I desperately want this keyboard (a 60% keyboard with this layout is rare in the UK) I have decided (With Dan's permission) to open it up as a group buy.

In terms of MOQ 10 orders for a specific switch are required before the keyboard can be produced. I think the best way to organise this is to PM me your email address and switch preference  if you wish to purchase one of these. If ten people willing to purchase a specific switch contact me I will forward your email addresses onto Dan, who will then take your order (This prevents having to go through the order process without knowing if you will get the keyboard). Dan will then ship everything when he gets the keyboards using recorded first class delivery. The price for a delivered keyboard is £100 (10% off cost price as these will be the first QWER keyboards that have been made), this Group buy is UK only.

Please note I am not responsible for anything other than organising who wishes to purchase a keyboard, Dan will deal with everything once I give him the email addresses of those interested.

The deadline for this is the Friday August 16th, you will get your keyboard late September/early October.

This is what the keyboard will look like:

Here is the layout for the keyboard:


Finding old cherry keyboards.