2009.09.28 13:35:44 (*.234.77.94)
나가님이 그런거 가지고 계실겁니다. http://www.otd.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=nagapump&wr_id=323&sca=&sfl=wr_subject||wr_content&stx=%EB%B9%A8%EC%BD%A9 http://www.otd.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=nagapump&wr_id=140&sca=&sfl=wr_subject||wr_content&stx=%EB%B9%A8%EC%BD%A9
작성된지 6개월이 지난 글에는 새 코멘트를 달 수 없습니다.
I guess the quality of a regular keyboard was much better than it is now. Looking at the models it seems that it was more creative too!! Ah... the sad days for someone who is willing to invest in decent input devices.