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Friction free

Most people take their computer for granted - until it crashes, taking with it the only copy of a big report for the boss. The malfunctions aren't uncommon, and may sometimes be due to friction in the hard drive that causes a special lubricant coating to decompose.

The most advanced lubricant coatings used today to reduce wear are fluorine-based oils. But even though they're the best available, they often fail. Physicists at Ohio University studying these oils hope to improve their reliability, which could cut down on the billions of dollars spent by industry on failed parts.

The research, funded by the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society, began in January.

"The basic problem with the lubricants we have today is that they rarely last as long as the things they are lubricating," says Martin Kordesch, associate professor of physics and principal investigator on the project.

Kordesch, working with postdoctoral researcher Eric Montei, has designed a unique vacuum chamber equipped with a tool that applies a lubricant to a part as it rotates. Scientists observe how the lubricant decomposes as it works, recording information obtained by a photoelectron emission microscope that takes images of the lubricant's molecules.

"If you're going to understand how and why the oil decomposes, you have to observe it happening on the surface of what's being lubricated," Montei says. "So we apply the lubricant to a surface in a very thin layer, and the microscope takes images of these layers for us to examine."

The researchers' early studies suggest the problem may lie in the fluorine base of the oils. "Fluorine is both the benefit to these lubricants and the cause of the problem," Kordesch says. "It makes the coated parts extremely inert and produces stability at high temperatures. But when it comes off, the oil decomposes and the fluorine causes major corrosion."

Coatings for the substrates of computer hard drives are the most widely used application of these lubricants, but they also are used on machines in space. And industry wishing to design ceramic jet engines will need a no-fail lubricant for machine coating.

"These are the best candidates out there for all of these applications, but they have to be improved before they can be used to their fullest potential," Montei says.