My partner will be producing two designs of the Poker case soon and we need some advices for the design #2. 

The design #1 is basically all set and we're trying to make it as simple as possible. What we're working on now is the design #2 and we are looking for something that is significantly diffrent from the others.

Features of design #1:
- Thin Frame
- Poker-looking weights on the bottom

28658-0 28660-1 28662-2 

Features of design #2:
- Regular thickness for the frame
- Poker-looking weights will be most likely applied on this design as well
- Well, a good-looking and creative side profile is what we are trying to create

Personally I'd much prefere the first design on the left than the one in the middle, but still I'm not quite satisfied with the way it looks so far. The side profile needs to be more mind-blowing. :/ Please advice!
28664-4 28666-5 28668-6

FYI for these two Poker cases, we will provide two prices coming with different material and anodizing quality. The basic price comes with regular aluminum and regular anodizing service, and the premium one comes with high quality aluminum and anodizing (when you scratch the surface with something hard such as keys, it won't leave any scratches, I guess it's called hard anodizing?).

Finding old cherry keyboards.